Hello, kids. It's been a while.
A quick informal introduction:
Hi. My name is Judy and I am 22 years old. I reside in Vancouver, in beautiful Canada and I don't think I made it to the 2nd year of my photography diploma at my chosen program. I created this blog mainly to log what I am currently doing with photography in hopes to find where I sit in the whole scheme of things. I will try different approaches and subject matters that interest me in hopes of finding out what I enjoy most and receive the most gratification from.
I think I know what I like, but I've been wrong before.
So after listening to many photograhers working in the field through my program and reading Fast Track Photographer by Dane Sanders, a common theme appeared. A need to know yourself and a need to be honest to yourself. Gosh, I don't know. Where do I even start? What are my roots? What started it all?
After pondering it on and off for a few months, I can say with all confidence that it started with my fixation with Time and Memories (I capitalized it because it's that important). I grew up a funny OCD kid with a photographic memory (until 5th grade, then my brain started to age and things were never the same). Memories of my childhood are extremely vivid, and they are priceless.
My parents were both greatly into the arts as young adults, and my dad is the photographer of the family (my mother is becoming quite the photographer as well). He has this Nikon 35mm SLR that I was never allowed touch, and an automatic. It didn't matter what camera he used, he captured some of the most important images to me. My parents made albums. Albums that I would flip through today and choke, because they froze Time. The pictures represent what was factual. The older I get the more I am desperately grasping at strands of memories that just seem to slip away a little to fast. Maybe this is just another way to comfort myself.
Love it Judy, So honest!